Mitsuyo Sakamoto — The Association Specialists

Mitsuyo Sakamoto

Sophia University, TOKYO, Japan

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Mitsuyo Sakamoto received her Ph.D. in 2000 from the University of Toronto under the supervision of Jim Cummins. She is currently a professor in the Department of English Studies and the Graduate School of Languages and Linguistics at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. She was one of the working members of Salzburg Global Seminar that compiled the Salzburg Statement for a Multilingual World, led by Dr. Joseph Lo Bianco. Her research focus is bilingualism/bilingual education, particularly heritage language maintenance. Recently she has been exploring the effects of power and ideologies on identity of and language policy for bilinguals. Her latest English publications include “The missing C: Addressing criticality in CLIL” (International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 2022), “(Re)imagining oneself as an English user: Identity formation of Japanese English learners” (Asian Englishes, 2022, co-authored with Gavin Furukawa), and “’Native speakers aren’t perfect’: Japanese English learners’ identity formation as English users” (System, 2022, co-authored with Gavin Furukawa). At SS25, she is co-presenting a study with Dr. Miyako Matsui of University of Wollongong titled, "Japanese father’s raising bilingual children in Australia: Paternal perspectives on Japanese language use at home".