David Bordon
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIJA, Slovenia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Young researcher (PhD student position) at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana working primarily in the fields of digital sociolinguistics & development of language technology tools for the Slovene language minority living in Italy. The subject of the ongoing doctoral thesis revolves around the Slovenian parliamentary speech community.
Awarded the Best student paper award at the Language Technologies & Digital Humanities Conference 2022 in Ljubljana fort the paper “Do you Speak Neuralese? How people comprehend the modern language of machine translation engines”.
Abstracts this author is a contributor to:
Narratives of a Nation; The Discourse of National Unity and Division in the Slovene Parliament (20282)
3:00 PM
David Bordon
Selenia Anastasi
Selenia Anastasi
SESSION 4: Corpus linguistics