Chia-Ying Yang — The Association Specialists

Chia-Ying Yang

The University of Edinburgh, , United Kingdom

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Contact information: Annie's research background and interests lie in the field of language and education. Her MSc in Applied Linguistics dissertation focused on multilingual families and language maintenance, taking a sociolinguistic approach; and her MSc by Research in Linguistics dissertation looked at Italian second language acquisition in adult learners, which lies in the field of psycholinguistics. With her passion in language maintenance, she continued with to pursue her Ph.D. in the field of applied linguistics and education, exploring the role of language teachers in heritage language education. Prior to these research experiences, she holds bachelor’s degrees in Italian and literature and business management. Annie joined the University of Edinburgh as Teaching Fellow in January 2020, and has been actively involved in teaching a variety of courses and supervising student dissertations. She is dedicated to help her students develop critical thinking skills and perform at their best capacity. Annie is also research-active, as her goal is to continue to contribute to the knowledge of the fields, as well as providing her students research-informed content.