Multimodal innovations for promoting stakeholder acceptance of Global Englishes — The Association Specialists

Multimodal innovations for promoting stakeholder acceptance of Global Englishes (20332)

Andrew Pollard 1
  1. Charles Darwin University, Brinkin, NT, Australia

While the paradigm of Global Englishes expands and there is a growing acknowledgement of the role of English as a lingua franca, key markets within the TESOL industry continue to push aspects of native speakerism. Much of this is driven by education policy that enforces restrictions on hiring practices in specific regions. In the case of Korea, hiring for visas primarily associated with language education is currently restricted to seven citizenships. These restrictions tend to persist despite shifting stakeholder perspectives, whereby Korean learners of English (KLE) often study English abroad in regions not aligned with the seven accepted nationalities. Continuing to drive positive change in stakeholder perspectives is key to reducing the othering that persists in these aspects of education policy. From this standpoint, this paper draws on feedback from KLE with respect to a range of blindly evaluated English varieties juxtaposed against current education policy in Korea. The qualitative data explored in this paper provides indications from the KLE that developing awareness of Englishes disconnected from national or cultural tags may contribute to positive attitudinal development. Building from the indicators explored, this paper proposes innovative cultural and linguistic exchange mechanisms through using video conferencing and multimodalities to promote positive stakeholder engagement that may contribute to a greater acceptance of Global Englishes in education policy.