Pandemics, language revitalisation and lifesaving: Examining the dynamism and role of Cameroonian languages in social media for Curving COVID-19 — The Association Specialists

Pandemics, language revitalisation and lifesaving: Examining the dynamism and role of Cameroonian languages in social media for Curving COVID-19 (20330)

Gabriel Delmon Djomeni 1
  1. University of Dschang, Dschang, WEST REGION, Cameroon

This proposalĀ attempts to demonstrate how the surge of a world pandemic known as COVID-19 has paradoxically become an opportunity for the revitalisation of small-scale or minoritised languages, notably in the social media (Facebook, WhatSapp, YouTube) and has hugely contributed to life saving. Based on digital ethnography and the electronically-mediated communication research approach, the collected online social media corpora and images analysis shows that COVID-19 has brought up the real powers of local languages and the very limits of the so-called official languages (English & French) in Cameroon in the search for reaching the largest portion of the population with Corona virus sensitisation information and messages for life saving. The study instructs that African governments in general and the Cameroonian one in particular shall learn the lessons taught by COVID-19 because most of them still use foreign languages in such situations, limiting access to vital information to a very few number of individuals. Finally, the paper pleads that African decision makers should not continue to wait for pandemic suddenness to value African languages. They must learn the lessons and adopt real language policies that favour and give more powers to local languages known as the main channel of peopleā€™s identity and which is capable of giving them full capacity to access adequate knowledge and information in their mother tongues all times not just during crises or pandemics times.