Queering Chinese Language Education: An Investigation into Queer Identities in the L2 Mandarin Chinese Classroom — The Association Specialists

Queering Chinese Language Education: An Investigation into Queer Identities in the L2 Mandarin Chinese Classroom (20380)

Alexander F Tang 1
  1. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Honolulu, HAWAII, United States

This research proposal aims to address the absence of queer representations in L2 Mandarin Chinese textbooks, specifically focusing on the widely used Integrated Chinese series. By employing a critical language awareness lens (Pennycook, 2021; Shapiro, 2022), the study seeks to understand the reasons behind the lack of representation and its implications for language learners. To unravel this phenomenon, not only will textbooks be scrutinized, but this project will also include the perceptions of Mandarin Chinese foreign language students regarding the absence of queer content in their classrooms. I posit that the absence of queer representation in language learning materials does not align with the diverse realities of the world. Moreover, this research aims to explore the intersection of queer identities and Mandarin Chinese language education by incorporating queer pedagogy (Cahnmann et al., 2022; Zhao & Wang, 2020). We intend to engage L2 foreign language students in discussions about queering Chinese language education, tapping into their perspectives and experiences. Additionally, our investigation will extend to teacher education programs, examining the potential for integrating queer L2 pedagogy into teacher training. Ultimately, this research paper investigates the role of contemporary Mandarin Chinese-language media in the queer turn, seeking to understand how media can contribute to a more inclusive language learning environment (Zhao & Wang, 2020). The expected results will provide valuable insights into the necessity of incorporating queer perspectives in L2 Mandarin Chinese education, ultimately contributing to the development of more inclusive language learning materials and pedagogical practices for critical language awareness in queering Chinese language education.


  1. Cahnmann‐Taylor, M., Coda, J., & Jiang, L. (2022). Queer is as queer does: Queer L2 pedagogy in teacher education. TESOL Quarterly, 56(1), 130-153. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3044 Pennycook, A. (2021). Critical applied linguistics: A critical re-introduction. Routledge. Shapiro, S. (2022). Cultivating critical language awareness in the writing classroom. Routledge. Zhao, J. J. & Wong, A. K. (2020). Introduction: making a queer turn in contemporary Chinese-language media studies, Continuum, 34:4, 475-483, 10.1080/10304312.2020.1785076